1960 Robertson Rd

Prince George B.C. V2N 1X6

(250) 561-1550

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Stationary Low Profile Tanks

Our line of low profile tanks are ideal when vertical clearance is limited, like under cottages or decks. They are made of heavy duty polyethylene and are approved for potable water.

Product Code Width (Inches)
Length (Inches) Height (Inches) Capacity (Gallons)
LP300ZW-Z 47 88 20 300
LP440ZW-Z 49 96 33 440
LP635ZW-Z 80 91 25 635
42890-Z 84 126 36 1075
LP1150ZW-Z 91 154 25 1150
42891-Z 84 126 42 1325
40912-Z 90 150 53 2000

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