1960 Robertson Rd

Prince George B.C. V2N 1X6

(250) 561-1550

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Industrial Horizontal Leg Tanks & Accessories

Our industrial-grade tanks can be configured with specific material options, allowing them to be used for a diverse range of applications including handling of chemicals like acids and caustics. For all of our industrial tanks, the highest quality HDLPE and XLPE resins are used. They’re UV stabilized for long-term outdoor use, have a low profile design for added safety in transport and are available in black or white. Additionally, many of the tanks have molded-in heavy duty lifting lugs and are available with IBC 2006 seismic and 150 mph wind restraint tie-down systems.

These tanks are manufactured with stringent quality controls and documented processes (ASTM-1998-06) with standard specific gravities up to 1.9.

Capacity Part # / Drawing Dia./ Width (in) Length (in) Height (in) Lid/Fill Opening (in) Fitting (in) Weight (lbs)
2600 2166 9842 8470000N-B 82 155 70 24 N/A 1014
3400 2832 12870 7520000N-B 82 155 86 24 N/A 1500

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